Industrial Gear Oil ISO 150,220,320,460

Product Description

SOIL Industrial Gear oil series are made from 100% virgin base oil with selected additives package .This base stocks has been selected for exceptional anti-oxidation and thermal properties with high viscosity index which is free from many undesirable properties found in conventional mineral base stocks. This series have proven versatility in severe operating conditions at high and low temperature. The proper viscosity index improver and anti-oxidant properties maintain the viscosity and protect oxidation formation.

SOIL Industrial Gear Oil series are recommended for industrial gear and bearings where operating or Bulk oil temperature are such that conventional lubricants don’t give satisfactory performance.

This series give outstanding performance in very low and high temperature. Under general operating conditions this series provide additional benefit of reduced oil consumption.

Performence Level


  • Promotes gear and bearings protection.
  • Contains anti-wear and anti corrosion properties.
  • Reduce oil consumption
  • Maintains proper viscosity.

Available Pack Size

20L 205L

Typical Properties

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 SOIL Industrial Gear Oil

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